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N-600 Citizenship Through Parents

N-600 Citizenship Through Parents

N-600 Citizenship Through Parents


Generally, there are two ways in which a foreign-born child could obtain citizenship through their U.S. citizenship parents. A child can obtain citizenship at birth (Citizenship Acquisition), or they could obtain citizenship after birth but before the age of 18 (Derivative Citizenship). 


The rules for obtaining citizenship through U.S. citizen parents vary depending on the law that was in effect at the time of the child’s birth, as well as the law in effect at the time all conditions were met. 


If you have U.S. citizen parents and you believe that you may have derived or acquired citizenship through them it is important to consult with an experienced immigration attorney to determine your eligibility.

Contact Boyadzhyan Law for a free initial case evaluation. (818) 572-4100 | info@boyadzhyanlaw.com


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