If you are facing prolonged delays in the processing of your application for an immigration benefit, or if immigration has wrongfully denied your application and you have exhausted all options of appeals or inquiries, it may be time to sue the U.S. government in federal court. Below are the various lawsuits/services Boyadzhyan Law can assist to get the justice you deserve.
Writ of Mandamus
If you have a pending application or petition with immigration, and you are experiencing prolonged delays in the adjudication of your case, it may be time to file a federal lawsuit known as a Writ of Mandamus which will force immigration to make a decision on your case. Learn more here https://www.boyadzhyanlaw.com/writ-of-mandamus-petition-for-hearing-on-naturalization/
Petition for Hearing on Naturalization
If your application for citizenship (N-400) is being delayed for more than 120 days after your interview, you may have the right to expedite the processing of your application by filing a federal lawsuit known as a Petition for Hearing on Naturalization, which gives a federal district court jurisdiction to intervene and make a decision on your delayed case. Learn more here https://www.boyadzhyanlaw.com/petition-for-hearing-on-naturalization/
Administrative Procedures Act (APA) for Wrongful Denials
If your case has been improperly denied, and you have unsuccessfully exhausted all of your options of appealing the decision, you may have the right to bring an Administrative Procedures Act lawsuit in federal district court to have the decision reviewed by a judge and ultimately reversed. Learn more here https://www.boyadzhyanlaw.com/administrative-procedures-act-apa-for-wrongful-denials/
Boyadzhyan Law has handled countless federal suits and could advise you of the pros and cons of filing such lawsuit since there are situations when a lawsuit can negatively affect your case. Thus, if you are considering filing a mandamus suit, it is important to consult with an experienced immigration attorney who has handled such matters.
Contact Boyadzhyan Law for a free initial case evaluation or to learn more about federal lawsuits. (818) 572-4100 | info@boyadzhyanlaw.com